Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Indo ChaVaLier

Indo Caffe sekarang memiliki Sub-Clan temporer; Indo ChaVaLier!

Berhubung dengan banyaknya kewajiban member-member yang sedang menghadapi ujian sekolah, maka Indo Caffe stop war untuk sementara. Untuk menghargai member-member yang menginginkan war, dibuatlah Indo ChaVaLier pada hari Jumat, 28 November 2014.

Clan Indo ChaVaLier ini merupakan clan khusus pra-natal. karena Natal akan dirayakan bersama di Indo Caffe nantinya. 

Member yang berdiam di Indo ChaVaLier ini kebanyakan member elite seperti Oblivion, Reynaldo, A_singXYZ, Ricky, Akbar, dan lain-lain.

 Adapun Kronologis selama Clan War Indo Caffe di non-aktifkan:

  1.  Oblivion pindah ke Indo War, Groovy280 pindah ke Viper00. Member lainnya pun ikut mengembara
  2. Groovy280 dan Oblivion berdiskusi membuat Clan baru untuk member yang mau mengikuti war, dan lahirlah Indo Chavalier
  3. Teto, Reynaldo, Akbar, a_singXYZ, Ricky, dan member elite lainnya bergabung ke Indo ChaVaLier
  4. NicholasNPutra memegang kendali di Indo Caffe
  5. Groovy280, A_singXYZ, Ricky dan Teto izin mengungsi ke clan lain dulu karena tidak mau menjadi beban apabila gagal menyerang di Indo ChaVaLier
  6. Ray dan Groovy280 mengungsi ke Clan Filipina, Agnes Castle
  7. Bulu pensiun
  8.  Ricky dan A_singXYZ kembali ke Indo ChaVaLier
  9. MrNaufal dan Christofer kembali bergabung dengan Indo Caffe, dan ikut war di Indo ChaVaLier
  10. Bahiga, Arnel, Mystearion, Johnny Smith, dan member lainnya bergabung hingga war dengan anggota 15 vs 15 mulai dijalankan di Indo ChaVaLier

Goodluck untuk para peserta Clan War di Indo ChaVaLier, Semoga sukses!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Official Gallery

Click Here to Go Back to Main Menu

Title: The Yin and Yang
Character: Zefry & Oblivion
By: Sharon Stephanie
Domicile: Tangerang, 3th March 2015 

Title: The Magic Trick of the Year
Character: Jackpot
By: Sharon Stephanie
Domicile: Tangerang, 3th March 2015

Title: The Celestial Love Story
Character:Yovela A
By: Keshia Leonita
Domicile: Tangerang, 14th February 2015

Title: The North Pole Fervor
Character: Giselle
By: Keshia Leonita
Domicile: Tangerang, 31st December 2014

Title: The Enchanting Virgo
Character: Yori Joshyln
By: Keshia Leonita
Domicile: Tangerang, 31st December 2014

Title: The Royal Blood of the Kingdom
Character: Ray
By: Sharon Stephanie
Domicile: Tangerang, 8th November 2014

Title: The Expert Lancer
Character: Chelsee
By: Keshia Leonita
Domicile: Tangerang, 8th November 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Main Menu

1. Rule

Check out Indo Caffe Basic Rule in order to join the Kingdom of Indo Caffe! Also Check the main Rule to become Champion at war!

2. Community

Figure out 'Member Solid Indo Caffe' and their contribution to the clan! Check out 'Angkatan Indo Caffe' to know Indo Caffe Generations. See who become Elite Member and what's their favorite troops composition in the clan war!


3. Clan War

Find out Indo Caffe Clan War Record and who's the Commanders and Champions of the week! Look for their fantastic battle formation that change the fates of the Clan War!

4. Library 

Scrape out Indo Caffe Awesome History, Tale, and Legend! Drama & Action everywhere!


1. Member Solid Indo Caffe

2. Member Elite Indo Caffe

3. Angkatan Indo Caffe

4. Relasi antara Member Solid Indo Caffe

5. Zaman-zaman pada Sejarah Indo Caffe 

6. Tabel Kehadiran Member Solid Indo Caffe

Tabel Kehadiran Member Solid Indo Caffe

Zaman Rekonsiliasi & Zaman Infanteri Berat

Zaman Emas & Zaman Regenerasi

Zaman Kesebelasan Elder & Zaman Kebangkitan

Zaman Kelahiran & Zaman Perwira Elite

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Clash of Clans Maintenance Break Information

Klik disini untuk kembali ke Main Menu


A spooky update has descended upon Clash! What tricks and treats lie in store?

New permanent trap: The Skeleton Trap!
✔ Ambush and distract your enemies with a small group of Skeleton troops! They might be short-lived, but will certainly get some attention.
✔ Skeleton Traps can be set to target either ground troops or air troops. Find the right mix of trap modes for your village!
✔ Skeleton Traps become available at Town Hall 8 and can be upgraded to deploy more skeletons at once.

Limited-time treats lasting through Halloween weekend
✔ 1-gem Spell Factory boost special is back!
✔ Harvest some bonus Elixir from special Halloween Headstone obstacles

Clan profile and search improvements
✔ Specify your Clan’s war frequency in your Clan profile, anything from always to never
✔ Specify your Clan’s location, or declare it as International
✔ Search other Clans by war frequency, location, member count and minimum clan points, even without specifying a search name
✔ Know what Clan you’re searching for? Search via hashtag to get the exact result you need.
✔ Clan descriptions can now be much longer!

Increased League bonus and more War loot
✔ Get at least 20% more Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir from Clan Wars, win or lose!
✔ Keep more of your war loot even if your Clan doesn’t win the Clan War
✔ Store more war loot in your Clan Castle
✔ Get a bigger League bonus from winning multiplayer battles in all Leagues

Boost improvements
✔ Boost all buildings of the same type with one button
✔ Barracks, Spell Factory and Hero boosts will now be automatically paused during maintenance and can be resumed later for free
✔ Slightly reduced boost cost for Elixir Pump level 11, Gold Mine level 11 and Dark Elixir Drill levels 5 & 6

Other Interface Improvements
✔ New Mortar at Town Hall 8
✔ Player profile now shows the highest unlocked level of a player’s troops, heroes and spells!
✔ The Hero icons will now show Hero ability status also in replays
✔ Army camp contents are now visible to visitors in the Army Camp info screen
✔ Time to remove obstacles is now lower
✔ Increased War loot storage capacity on all Clan Castle levels

Monday, October 20, 2014

Blog Update 20 October 2014

Pertama - tama kami dari pihak Indo Caffe mengucapkan selamat kepada Presiden Joko Widodo dan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kala atas pengangkatan mereka menjadi presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2014 - 2019 yang resmi.

Di hari yang bersamaan ini, pihak Indo Caffe menutup Zaman Infanteri Berat, dan akan membuka Zaman yang baru. Adapun pihak-pihak yang berjasa dalam Clan War di Zaman ini;

*Anggota yang bertugas menjadi Kapten War*
  1. Groovy280: 3x
  2. Oblivion: 3x
  3. Zefry: 2x
  4. Noven: 1x
  5. Steven Han: 1x
  6. Bulu: 1x
  7. Delavega: 1x

Assault Champion
*Total 6 star dalam war yang diperoleh dari musuh yang berjarak minimal 5 nomor dibawahnya*
  1. Giselle: 4x 
  2. A_singXYZ: 3x
  3. Steven Han: 2x
  4. Delavega: 2x
  5. MrNaufal: 2x
  6. Ricky: 2x
  7. Groovy280: 1x
  8. Oblivion: 1x
  9. Fadjri: 1x
  10. Bulu: 1x
  11. Jessync: 1x
  12. Johnny Smith: 1x
  13. Izhamzam: 1x
  14. Dauntless: 1x

Stronghold Champion
*Total defended 2x dari musuh yang berjarak minimal 5 nomor dibawahnya*
  1. Kevin Siregar: 3x
  2. Dauntless: 2x
  3. Zefry: 1x
  4. Noven: 1x
  5. Reynaldo: 1x
  6. NicholasNPutra 1x
  7. MrNaufal: 1x
  8. Izhamzam 1x
  9. Jeremypro17 1x

Dengan berakhirnya Zaman Infanteri Berat ini, maka Zaman baru telah dimulai dengan label "Zaman Peleburan Armada."

Maka dari itu, kita membuka pendaftaran bagi member baru yang ingin menjadi salah satu bagian dari keluarga Indo Caffe, namun harus memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan:

  1. Harus berniat untuk loyal di Indo Caffe
  2. Saat masuk, langsung saja perkenalkan identitas diri, dan beri tahu kami bahwa Anda datang dari informasi blog Indo Caffe ini.
  3. Kemudian, salah satu dari anggota Indo Caffe akan memberikan pertanyaan khusus, yang harus Anda jawab dengan sejujur mungkin.
  4. Apabila lulus tes pertanyaan, maka akan diberi sambutan hangat oleh para member Indo Caffe
  5. Selamat, Anda menjadi Anggota resmi Indo Caffe! Pastikan Anda mematuhi  Tata Tertib Indo Caffe (

Ingin menjadi Member Solid Indo Caffe dan menjadi War Champion? Ayo buruan join! Hanya 5 member tercepat yang dapat bergabung di dalam "Zaman Peleburan Armada ini". Batas waktu join ditutup pada tanggal 1 November 2014. Selamat Berjuang! ((^_^))

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Peraturan Indo Caffe

Klik disini untuk kembali ke Main Menu

Indo Caffe Rules


1.      100% Indonesian candidates

2.      We prioritize 20% skill, 40% loyalty, and 40% attitude

3.      No Hoppers, blacklisted once leave Indo Caffe without permission

4.      Respect other members, dishonored behavior WILL NOT be tolerated

5.      Stay active in the chat

6.      No Parasites, Donate and request 1:4

7.      Always show your gratitude to other member(s) who fill your Clan Castle Request

8.      Clan Castle Request for RAID or DEFENSE that haven’t reached the max capacity will be filled with any troops except for goblin and wallbreakers

9.      Ask senior for Clash of Clans guide

10.  Help junior member(s) to adept


1.      Default Clan War is only searched in every Thursday and Saturday at 10 AM (GMT+7)

2.      Clan War is also searched continuously on holiday season

3.      Always match the donation with the Request description

4.      Attack twice during the Clan War

5.      Member who score 6 stars within the maximum range of 5 below their War Number will be commemorated in Indo Caffe Clan War Record (for example if your number is 25, your maximum range is 30, for your name to be written in the blog)

6.      Show your best performance during the Clan war

7.      DO NOT attack without Clan Castle Reinforcement and Spell (If already have spell factory)

8.      Easy Looting ONLY is allowed if our star difference is 40 or more, and ONLY may be performed with the SECOND attack, 10 MINUTES before the end of war.

9.      Leaving during Clan War without permission will be permanent banned

10.  Breaking the 8th rule twice will be permanent banned

11.  Help junior member(s) for defense and offense strategy in order to win

12.  Ask senior member for strategy if necessary
13. If you have an issue that makes you can not use both attack in the Clan War, you will have to inform the co-leader for permission to leave temporarily until your issue is done.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Indo Caffe War Troops Composition

Komposisi Troops War Indo Caffe

1. HoGoWiPe
Dilakukan Groovy280 saat melawan Clan Amerika Serikat. Dengan 2 Golem yang di backup oleh 3 atau 4 P.E.K.K.A, war base musuh akan tersapu bersih. Terutama dengan 5 Hog Rider yang di deploy pada saat Golem dan P.E.K.K.A sudah mencapai bagian tengah base, dimana menarik perhatian seluruh bangunan, sehingga Hog yang di deploy pun dapan menghancurkan segalanya dengan aman. Untuk meyakinkan bahwa waktunya mencukupi untuk memperoleh 3 bintang, beberapa archer dan wizard dibutuhkan untuk membersihkan sisa bangunan.

Used by Groovy280 by the time facing United States Clan. By  using 2 Golem with 3 or 4 P.E.K.K.A, enemy war base will be wiped out. Furthermore, 5 Hog Riders will be spawned when the Golem and P.E.K.K.A have already reach the core of the base, so that the deployed hog will be able to ravage everything safely. To assure that the time is sufficient to get 3 stars, some archers and wizards is required to destroy the rest.

2. Full Valkyrie
Diciptakan oleh Groovy280 yang terinspirasi oleh Bulu. Kombinasi troops ini berupa Valkyrie minimal 10, dilindungi oleh seekor Golem/P.E.K.K.A. serangan ini disempurnakan oleh pasukan pembersih seperti archer dan wizard

Invented by Groovy280 whom inspired of Bulu. This troops combination provide group of minimum 10 valkyries, one Golem/P.E.K.K.A as meat shield. By adding some cleaner troops such as archers and wizards, this strategy is now complete

3. HoLoWiPe 
Kombinasi pasukan situasional yang hanya pernah dilatih oleh Groovy280 dan Oblivion ketika markas musuh berbentuk kipas, dimana air defense musuh tidak dapat menjangkau bangunan pertahanan bagian luar. Komposisi pasukan ini berupa Hog, Balon, Wizard, dan P.E.K.K.A.

Situational army combination that occassionally trained by Groovy280 and Oblivion when the foe's base lies the fan pattern, where their outer defense structures is unprotected by air defenses. This army compsition contains Hog Riders, Balloons, Wizards, and last but not least; P.EK.K.A.

4. Lavaball
Dengan berposisi di Town Hall Lv9, kemampuan air strike Zefry menjadi mantap, terutama ketika balloonnya menjadi Lv6, serta Dark Barrack sudah mencapai Lv6. Setelah Oblivion memiliki Lava Hound, serangan ini menjadi trademark dirinya, sebab hampir setiap kali penyerangan mendapat 3 bintang

With the position of Town Hall Lv9, Zefry's capability of using air strike become superb, especially when his balloon and Dark barrack has both reached Lv6. However, after Oblivion unlocked Lava Hound, this composition become his trademark, due to almost 3 stars per attack.

5. Lavaballoonion
minion yang telah di-upgrade oleh Zefry membuatnya menambahkan beberapa minion ke dalam taktic Lavaball miliknya.

Zefry's upgraded minions allowed him to add some minions in his Lavaball tactic

6. Lavagon
Lava Hound dan Dragon adalah kombinasi air strike yang mematikan yang pertama kali diluncurkan, oleh Zefry

Lava Hound dan Dragon is deadly air strike combination, first time launched by Zefry

Sebenarnya serangan ini berawal dari Oblivion yang menggunakan taktik GoWiPe di Indo ChaVaLier, namun Groovy280 datang menyumbangkan valkyrie di dalam Clan Castle milik Oblivion. Oblivion pun akhirnya mencoba untuk menggunakan kombinasi infanteri berat itu, namun hasilnya memang membuat penyerangan kekurangan waktu karena kekurangan porsi wizard

This attack actually start from Oblivion who used GoWiPe tactic in Indo ChaVaLier. but Groovy280 came and donates valkyrie in Oblivion's Clan Castle. At last, oblivion tried using those Heavy Infantry Combination, But the result is that just make the composition become lack of time due to minimum portion of wizard.

8. GoWiWi
Serangan kegemaran Steven Han ini menggunakan 2 Golem dengan backup segerombolan Wizard dan witch. Serangan ini pertama kali digunakan Steven Han di Indo Caffe saat melawan xXTerminatorxX.

One of Steven Han's favorite attack by using 2 Golems with Wizards and witches as backup. This attack strategy is first showed in Indo Caffe during the battle between Indo Caffe and xXTerminatorxX. 

9. GoWiPe
Serangan ini seringkali dilakukan oleh Steven Han atau Bulu. Dengan mendeploy  P.E.K.K.A dan Golem dengan total komposisi 3 atau 4, musuh akan menerima kerusahakn yang sangat besar, terutama karena dibackup dengan segerombolan Wizard.

This kind of attack sometimes used by Steven Han or Bulu. By deploying
P.E.K.K.A and Golem in the total number of 3 or 4, the enemies will take a devastating damage, mainly because back-upped with a swarm of Wizards.

10. GoWaWi
Serangan ini dilancarkan dengan menggunakan 2 Golem dengan backup segerombolan Wizard. Pemilik komposisi pasukan ini identik dengan Ray, sang leader. Steven Han juga terkadang melakukan strategi ini dengan jarang.

This attack is executed by using 2 Golem with a swarm of wizard. This army composition is known as Our leader; Ray's signature army. Steven Han also rarely use this kind of strategy.

 11. GoVaWi
Golem, Valkyrie, Wizard. Serangan favorit Bulu ketika ia sedang bosan menggunakan P.E.K.K.A . Tidak ada yang mampu menahan kepandaiannya menggunakan Valkyrie, segala musuh diratakan olehnya.

Golems, Valkyries, Wizards. Bulu's favorite attack when he's bored using P.E.K.K.A. None could resist his capability of using Valkyries, all enemykind shall banish before him.

 12. VaWiPe
Identik dengan tipe serangan Bulu, karena hanya dialah yang mampu mengendalikan Valkyrie dengan baik. Serangan tersebut dilakukan dengan mendeploy 2-3 P.E.K.K.A yang di backup dengan 2-4 valkyrie dan banyak wizard.

Bulu's identical troops combination, because he's the only one who is capable of controlling Valkyrie. This kind of attack is executed by deploying 2-3 P.E.K.K.A with 2-4 valkyrie and a swarm of wizard as backup.

 13. Full Hog
Serangan ini dilancarkan dengan menggunakan Full Hog Rider, disertai dengan beberapa pembersih seperti archer tentunya.. Serangan ini sangat disukai oleh Steven Han yang mempunyai level Hog Rider paling tinggi; level 5.

This attack is executed by using the whole Hog Rider, with some cleaner troops like archer for addition. This composition is owned by Steven Han who owns the highest level of Hog Rider; level 5.

 14. Dragonballonion
Serangan favorit Groovy280 ini dilancarkan dengan menggunakan 5-7 Dragon yang dibackup oleh 10 Minion dan  Balloon dengan jumlah lebih.

Groovy280's favorite type of attack. He deploys 5-7 Dragon with 10 minion and a swarm of balloon as backup.

 15. Dragonion
Serangan favorit A_singXYZ ini dilancarkan dengan menggunakan 4-7 Dragon yang dibackup oleh segerombolan Minion.

Favorite attack of A_singXYZ, focused on deploying 4-7 Dragon with a swarm of minion as backup.

 16. Dragonball
Seranganudara ini dilaksanakan dengan mendelpoy sedikit Dragon sebagai pengalih air defense, dengan backup segerombolan balloon. Jenis serangan ini biasanya dipakai oleh Oblivion dan Jessync.

This air strike is exxecuted by deploying few Dragon to distract air defense with a swarm of balloon for backup. This army combination usually executed by Oblivion and Jessync.

 17. Full Dragon
Serangan mematikan ini dibutuhkan biaya elixir yang tinggi, namun ampuh untuk membuahkan 3 star. Dengan menggunakan rambo Dragon, disertai dengan beberapa spell yang mendukung, air defense pun dapat ditembus dengan aman. Tipe serangan ini disukai oleh Zefry, Delavega dan juga Giselle.

This deadly attack requires a lot of elixir cost, however it's effective to obtain 3 star. With the fierceful Dragon attack with several spell as backup, air defense could be penetrated with safety. This kind of troops combination is Zefry's, Delavega's, and Giselle's favorite.

Terkadang tatik ini disebut dengan istilah 'lonion'. Serangan mematikan ini menjadi serangan favorit baru milik Jessync. Dengan mendeploy Balloon yang mengalihkan air defense, minion akan membasmi segalanya dibalik perlindungan Balloon

Sometimes this tactic is called as 'loonion' This deadly attack is new favorite to Jessync. By deploying Balloons that distract air defense, minions could destroy everything behind Balloon as cover.

 19. Dragon Hog
Tipe serangan ini terkadang dipakai oleh Groovy280 apabila letak air defense lawan terlalu terpusat. Dengan mendeploy 10-12 Hog Rider di dekat air defense musuh yang di backup oleh healing spell, jalur bagi Dragon terbuka untuk menghancurkan segalanya.

This type of attack is sometimes used by Groovy280 only if foe's air defenses location is too centered. By deploying 10-12 hog Riders nearby enemy Air Defense with healling spell as backup, the path will be opened for the Dragons to destroy the rest.

 20. Classic
Serangan ini dilancarkan dengan menggunakan10-15 giant yang dibackup oleh wizard, archer, dan healer. Jenis Classic ini sering digunakan oleh orang yang berada di TH7 kebawah seperti A_singXYZ dan juga Reynaldo. Komposisi pasukan ini juga sering dipilih kebanyakan member ketika sedang bingung memilih taktik untuk menyerang musuh. Seperti Charles, Steven dan Teto.

This type of attack is executed by using 10-15 giants  with wizards, archers, and healers as the backup. This Classic attack is often used by member who's in TH7 or below, like A_singXYZ and Reynaldo. This army composition is also selected by most member if they couldn't decide the tactic to attack the enemy. For example; Charles, Steven, and Teto.

 21. Classic Dragon
Kombinasi serangan ini sama seperti Classic, namun ditambah dengan 1 atau 2 Dragon sebagai pelengkap. Member yang suka melakukan serangan ini yakni Jackpot, Mystearion dan adiknya; DRAGON'S BELIEF.

This combination is the same as Classic, but 1 or 2 Dragon is added for supplement. Members who love this attack are Jackpot, Mystearion, and his sister; DRAGON'S BELIEF.

 22. Classic Valkyrie
Kombinasi serangan ini sama seperti Classic, namun ditambah dengan 2 hingga 4 Valkyrie sebagai pelengkap. Serangan tersebut ditemukan oleh Ray, yang membuahkan 3 star pada pertempuran melawan RIMAU.

This combination is the same as Classic, but 2 to 4 Valkyries are added for supplement. This type of attack is invented by Ray, who achieve 3 star at during the last battle against RIMAU.

 23. Classic P.E.K.K.A
Kombinasi serangan ini sama seperti Classic, namun ditambah dengan 1 P.E.K.K.A sebagai pelengkap. Namun serangan ini ditinggalkan karena kebanyakan member yang melakukan ini gagal. Member yang suka melakukan serangan ini yakni Ray, dan Groovy280.

This combination is the same as Classic, with a  P.E.K.K.A is added for supplement. This attack type however, is abandoned due to the failure of most member who used this attack. Members who love this attack are Ray, and Groovy280.

24. Classic Golem
Kombinasi serangan ini sama seperti Classic, namun ditambah Golem. Biasanya member yang melakukan serangan tersebut adalah Billy dan Charles.

This combination is the same as Classic, plus Golem for addition. This composition usually used by members like Billy and Charles.

25. Classic Junior
Kombinasi serangan ini sama seperti Classic, namun serangan ini dilancarkan tanpa healer. Biasanya member yang melakukan serangan tersebut belum atau baru  mencapai TH6 seperti Kevin Siregar, Gerrard, dan Jeremypro17.

This combination is the same as Classic, without a healer. This composition usually used by members who haven't or newly reached TH6; such as Kevin Siregar, Gerrard, and Jeremypro17.

26. Wizard Healer
Komposisi pasukan dengan 2-4 healer dengan sisanya space diisi oleh wizard dan juga pasukan pembersih. Kombinasi serangan ini pernah menjadi serangan identik Steven, namun ditinggalkan karena terlalu berisiko apabila segerombolan wizard tersebut terkena giant bomb.

Army composition with 2-4 healers with wizards and some cleaners for the rest of the space. This combination used to be Steven's identical army, however it was abandoned because the lose risk is high if those wizards were caught by giant bomb.

27. Full Balloon
Serangan udara fundamental yang pertamakali diciptakan oleh ID kedua Oblivion ketika mencapai Town Hall 6. Cukup menggunakan balon maksimum, dengan 2 healing spell

This very first air strike is invented by Oblivion's second ID when he had reached Town Hall 6. Maximum balloon capacity with 2 healing spell is As simple as enough

28. Underdog
Kombinasi serangan ini hanya digunakan oleh member yang masih berada di TH4 kebawah. Serangan ini diluncurkan dengan menggunakan 2-3 giant dengan barbarian dan archer sebagai backup.

This combination only suitable for member in TH4 or below. This attack is executed by using 2-3 giants with barbarians and archers for backup.