Thursday, February 4, 2016

TH6 - Classic

TH 6 - Classic
Difficulty: Beginner

Put your wizards defended by giants to take down the air defense. Use healing spell to keep your giants from death. Once the air defense is down, deploy your healers. Sit back, and watch your enemy base being eradicated by your army.

Letakkan Wizardmu dengan perlindungan Giant, biarkan mereka menghancurkan air defense. Gunakan Healpot untuk melindungi Giantmu dari kematian. Setelah Air defense tumbang, deploy healermu. Duduk, dan tunggu hingga markas musuh dihancurkan oleh pasukanmu.


  1. Lure out and destroy enemy Clan Castle Troops, check for traps if neccesary
  2. Send out your Giants near enemy highest Air Defense spot
  3. Deploy your wallbreakers two by two to destroy the wall, watch out for mortars as they are so fragile
  4. Quickly deploy your Wizards to help out your Giants destroying enemy building, so that they could reach the Air Defense spot faster
  5. After the first Air Defense have been destroyed, deploy your Healers
  6. Use you Healing Spell when your Giant HP is depleted

  1. Pancing Clan Castle Troops lawan, cek trap kalau perlu
  2. Keluarkan Giantmu di titik terdekat dengan Air Defense level tertinggi
  3. Deploy Wallbreakermu dua demi dua untuk menghancurkan wall, hati-hati karena mereka rentan terhadap mortar
  4. Deploy Wizardmu dengan cepat, agar Giant milikmu dapat dengan cepat menghancurkan bangunan musuh hingga sampai ke titik Air Defense
  5. Setelah menumbangkan Air Defense pertama, deploylah healermu
  6. Gunakan Healpot ketika HP Giantmu terkuras banyak

Core Army (Pasukan Inti):

 Giant 8x-15x

Wallbreaker 6x-8x

  Wizard 8x-15x

  Healer 2x-3x

 Core Spell (Spell Inti):

 Healing Spell (healpot) 1x-2x

 Optional Army (Pasukan opsional):

Archer (for luring down enemy Clan Castle or trap checking)
Archer (untuk memancing Clan Castle lawan, atau untuk cek trap)

Balloon (one or two of them will somehow bring you to the advantage)
Balon (membawa satu atau dua terkadang dapat membawamu ke titik yang lebih unggul)

Optional Spell (Spell Opsional):

Lightning Spell (Bring one of this spell will help you wipe down enemy Clan Castle Troops)
Spell Petir (Membawa satu spell ini akan menolongmu menyapu pasukan Clan Castle lawan)

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