Thursday, February 4, 2016

TH6 - Full Balloon

TH6 - Full Balloon
Difficulty: Beginner

This strategy only effective against enemy base whose both air defense located in the center. The key of success of  this attack is in your Balloons and Healing Spell. Make sure to lure out enemy Clan Castle, then summon all of your Balloons at the enemy Air Defense which is unreachable by enemy Air Sweeper. Use Healing Spell at the time your Balloons facing the Air Defenses. After taking down most of enemy defenses buidling, then use your Archer/Wizard to accelerate the destruction process

Strategi ini hanya efektif melawan markas lawan dimana kedua air defense terletak di tengah. Kunci kesuksesan serangan ini bergantung pada Balon dan Healing Spell Anda. Pastikan Anda memancing Clan Castle lawan, kemudian kerahkan seluruh pasukan balon anda di dekat air defense yang tak terjangkau oleh Air Sweeper lawan. Gunakan healpot ketika Balon-balon Anda menghadapi Air Defense. Setelah menumbangkan sebagian besar dari Defenses Building lawan, gunakan Archer dan Wizard Anda untuk mempercepat proses penghancuran.

  1. Lure out and destroy enemy Clan Castle Troops, check for traps if necessary
  2. Separate your Balloons into two directions nearby 2 enemy Air Defenses,  forming horizontal formation. Avoid contact with enemy air sweeper pushing range
  3. Use your Healling Spells to buy your balloons additional protections against the Air Defenses
  4. Once the enemy defenses are clear, deploy your cleaner troops to finish the attack
  1. Pancing dan hancurkan Clan Castle Troops lawan, cek trap jika perlu
  2.  Pisahlah serangan balon Anda di dua arah yang berbeda, di dekat 2 Air Defense lawan, membentuk formasi horizontal, hindari kontak dengan jarak dorong Air Sweeper Lawan
  3. Gunakanlah Healpot untuk memberikan Balon-balonmu proteksi tambahan melawan Air Defense
  4. Setelah defense lawan bersih, deploy cleaner troopsmu untuk menyelesaikan penyerangan

Core Army (Pasukan Inti):

  Balloon 28x-30x

 Core Spell (Spell Inti):

Healing Spell 2x

Optional Army (Pasukan Opsional):

Giant (for luring down enemy  clan castle troops)
Giant (Untuk memancing pasukan clan castle lawan) 

 Archer (for luring down enemy Clan Castle or trap checking)
Archer (untuk memancing Clan Castle lawan, atau untuk cek trap)

 Wizard (Help the Balloon to Clean Up the remaining building fast)
Wizard (Membantu Balon untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa bangunan dengan cepat) 

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